Fear of the Lord

One of the most misunderstood concepts in the Bible is the “fear of the Lord.” Fear is a word with a negative connotation.  We condemn anyone or anything that causes fear; we react from a place of fear; we take medications to calm fear and anxiety.  But the Bible lists promises for those who fear God.  Is there a disconnect? Isn’t God supposed to be loving? Why are we asked to practice “the fear of the Lord?”

Hearing the Voice of God

When was the last time you heard God’s voice? Is that even possible today? There are many ways He communicates with us but it’s important that we discern if what we have heard through Scripture, the Hoy Spirit’s impressions and through others is from Him. Learn about the “triple confirmation” test and how to hear the voice of God.

Honoring One Another

These days, honoring someone is usually due to someone’s performance or achievement – a sports championship or a new record, a milestone such as a 50th wedding anniversary, a new job or even 25 years at the same company. That’s not wrong but a Biblical value system has other measures of honor including character, because we are made in God’s image and reflect His character, and our intrinsic value because Jesus sacrificed His life for us.  So why is dishonor so pervasive in our culture? 

Guarding Your Heart

We live in a world today where our hearts are under attack.  We are wounded by others, we suffer from the consequences of our own sin and we struggle with deep disappointments, betrayal, offenses, rejection and abandonment.  These attacks produce hopelessness, cynicism, isolation, anger, a desire for revenge and living life in “survival mode.” But we don’t have to live this way.  The ways of God show us how to guard our hearts by running to repentance, being fast to forgive, opting out of offense, holding firm to the fear of the Lord and trending towards trust. 

Waiting On God

We hate waiting. We try to avoid it as much as we can – in the mundane (standing in lines, slow internet speeds, honking the horn when a driver takes too long) and even for important things (a spouse, a job, a big decision).  But in the Bible, we are reminded over and over again about the importance of waiting on God.  If we don’t wait to hear from Him, we default to proceeding with our own plans and ideas.  The Scriptures show us to wait in oneness, in stillness and in anticipation. Have you ever taken time to do that?